UL 1446:2020 free download

UL 1446:2020 free download

UL 1446:2020 free download Systems of Insulating Materials – General
1.1 These requirements cover test procedures to be used in the evaluation of Class 120(E) or higherelectrical insulation systems (EIS) for use in the United States, and Class 130(B) or higher EiS for use inCanada,where the thermal factor is the dominating aging factor. These requirements also cover theinvestigation of the substitution of non-electrical insulating materials (NIM) components of insulation in apreviously evaluated insulation system and also the test procedures to be used in the evaluation ofmagnet wire coatings, magnet wires,and varnishes.
1.2These requirements for the evaluation of an ElS do not establish thermal ratings forlor alterestablished thermal ratings for individual components.
1.3These requirements do not cover insulation systems exposed to radiation or operating in oils,refrigerants,soaps, or other media that potentially degrade insulating materials.
1.4 When any performance aspect of an end-product requirement is not covered by this standard, theapplicable standard shall be used.
1.5 These requirements do not cover electrical insulation systems where transient overvoltages or partiadischarge are present. Such electrical insulation systems shall be evaluated to the appropriate standardfor the application. Such standards include, but are not limited to the following:
a)IEEE C57.12.60;
b)IEC 60034-18-31; orc)IEEE 1776.
2Units of Measurement
2.1 Values stated without parentheses are the requirement. Values in parentheses are explanatory orapproximate information.
l 3Normative References
3.1 The following standards are referenced in this standard, and portions of these referenced standardsmay be essential for compliance.Electrical insulation systems covered by this standard shall comply withthe referenced installation codes and standards as appropriate for the country where the electricalinsulation system is to be used.When the electrical insulation system is intended for use in more than onecountry, the electrical insulation system shall comply with the installation codes and standards for allcountries where it is intended to be used.
ASTM Standards
ASTM D1676,Standard Test Methods for Film-Insulated Magnet Wire
ASTM D1932, Standard Test Method for Thermal Endurance of Flexible Electrical Insulating VarnishesASTMD2307,Standard Test Method for ThermalEndurance of Film-Insulated Round Magnet Wire