UL 207:2020 free download

UL 207:2020 free download

UL 207:2020 free download STANDARD FOR SAFETY Refrigerant-Containing Components and Accessories, Nonelectrical
b) According to Section 13 with the pressure to the vented interface held at a value not less than 1- 1/2 times the maximum rated design pressure of the highest pressure refrigerant intended for use in either side of the heat exchanger. Two samples shall be tested and both shall comply with 6.5.
13 Strength Tests
13.1 Two samples of each type of component are to be tested. If a range of types and sizes is involved, tests on the weakest assemblies may be taken as representative of the type or group. The test medium is to be any nonhazardous liquid, such as water. The test samples are to be filled with the test medium to exclude air and are to be connected in a hydraulic pump system. The pressure is to be raised gradually until the highest pressure as required by Section 12, as applicable, is reached. This pressure is to be maintained for 1 minute, during which time the sample shall not burst or show visible leakage except as indicated in 13.3 and 13.4.
13.2 Deleted
13.3 When gaskets or mechanical seals, such as mating machined surfaces other than simple threaded joints, are employed in components designed for use with refrigerants classified A1 or A1/A1 in accordance with the Standard for the Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants, ASHRAE 34, visible leakage at the gaskets or seals will not be considered a failure, provided the leakage occurs at a pressure greater than twice the design pressure.
13.4 In reference to 13.3, the component shall withstand the required Strength Test pressure even though visible leakage occurs at the gaskets or seals.
14 Fatigue Test
14.1 General
14.1.1 When subjected to the following test, a refrigerant-containing component other than those specified in 14.1.2, shall not rupture, burst, or leak.
14.1.2 A refrigerant-containing component intended for use with refrigerants classified A1 or A1/A1 in accordance with ASHRAE 34 and employing a gasket or seal shall comply with 14.2.1 and 14.3.8 even though visible leakage occurs at the gasket or seal.
14.1.3 When visible leakage occurs as permitted by 14.1.2, leakage shall not occur at or below twice the design pressure marked on the component.
14.2 Test method
14.2.1 Two samples of each refrigerant-containing component shall be completely filled with an incompressible, inert fluid to exclude all air, and connected to a hydraulic pump system. The pressure shall be raised gradually and maintained for 1 minute to the higher of three times the:
a) Maximum abnormal pressure marked on the refrigerant-containing component,
b) Minimum design pressure specified in Table 11.1 for the refrigerant,
c) Design pressure marked on the component,