UL 2744:2018 free download

UL 2744:2018 free download

UL 2744:2018 free download Subscribers to UL’s Standards Service for Safety of Products in Smart Environments
Summary of Topics
UL announces the withdrawal of the Second lssue of the Outline of Investigation for Safety ofProducts in Smart Environments, UL 2744.
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. announces the withdrawal of UL 2744 effective June 7,2018.There isno replacement for this outline; therefore, all subscriptions will be discontinued effective June 7, 2018
Questions regarding this announcement should be directed to the attention of the Standards ProjectManager noted below.
Megan Sepper
Standards EngineerNorthbrook OfficePhone: 847-664-3411
E-mail: Megan.M.Sepper@ul.com
Copyright @2018 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.