UL 60335-2:2022 free download

UL 60335-2:2022 free download

UL 60335-2:2022 pdf free download Outline of Investigation for Robotic Germicidal Equipment
1 Scope
1.1 These requirements cover rechargeable, automated mobile robotic germicidal equipment, which are intended to expose air and surfaces within an unoccupied area with uncontained ultraviolet (UV) energy where the exposure dose would otherwise pose a risk of personal injury to occupants.
1.2 These requirements cover equipment intended to be used by instructed or skilled persons to disinfect
unoccupied indoor spaces in commercial environments, for example hotel guest rooms, official buildings,etc.
1.3 These requirements do not cover:
a) Equipment intended for use in residential dwellings; or
b) Equipment intended for outdoor use.
1.4 These requirements do not cover equipment intended for health care or laboratory use. This type of equipment is covered by UL 61010, “Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use.”
1.5 In the United States, products generating ultraviolet radiation are intended for use in accordance with Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 1000 through 1004, and section 1005.25. NOTE: These regulations include reporting of Accidental Radiation Occurrences, notification to FDA and customers of a radiation safety defect and corresponding plan for corrective action for FDA approval, and designation of a U.S. agent for imported lamps.
1.6 Equipment that emits electromagnetic energy with wavelengths greater than 700 nm or less than 200 nm are not fully addressed by this Outline of investigation, and may require an additional evaluation.
1.7 Equipment employing ultraviolet (UV) lamps that operate at medium or high pressure that may present a risk of injury from explosion are not fully addressed by these requirements and may require an additional evaluation.
1.8 These requirements address risk of personal injury due to overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) emissions. To address other safety considerations (e.g.: risk of fire or electric shock, or personal injury risks besides UV) this outline of investigation shall be used in conjunction with the Standards noted below for equipment covered in their respective scopes. All construction, performance and marking requirements of the Standards noted below apply unless specifically exempted or superseded by a requirement in this Outline of Investigation:
a) UL 60335-1. All applicable requirements of this standard apply to this equipment, other than robotic functions, unless specifically superseded by a requirement in this Outline of Investigation.
b) UL 3300 and UL 62368-1. The applicable requirements pertaining to the robotic functions, such as robotic base unit movement, stability, means to reduce risk of injury to persons (except for UV which is covered by this OOI), shall apply to this equipment.
1.9 These requirements do not address equipment that use a wireless or remote control (i.e.: a control not physically part of the same equipment) to initiate or extend an operating cycle.
2 Referenced Publications
2.1 Any undated reference to a code or standard appearing in the requirements in this outline of investigation shall be interpreted as referring to the latest edition of that code or standard.