UL 60730-2-6:2021 free download

UL 60730-2-6:2021 free download

UL 60730-2-6:2021 free download STANDARD FOR SAFETY Automatic Electrical Controls – Part 2- 6: Particular Requirements for Automatic Electrical Pressure Sensing Controls Including Mechanical Requirements
1 Scope and normative references
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows:1.1Scope
This part of lEC 60730 applies to AUTOMATIC ELECTRICAL pressure SENSING CONTROLs for use in, on or inassociation with, equipment. The equipment may use electricity, gas, oil, solid fuel, solar thermal energy,etc.or a combination thereof.
NOTE Throughout this standard, the word “equipment”” includes “appliances” and “control system”.
This standard is also applicable to individual pressure sENSING CONTROLs utilized as part of a cONTROLSYSTEM or pressure SENSING CONTROLs which are mechanically integral with multi-functional controlshaving non-electrical outputs.
Automatic electrical pressure sENSING CONTROLs for equipment used by the public, such as equipmentintended to be used by laymen in shops, in light industry and on farms, are within the scope of thisstandard.
This standard does not apply to pressure SENSING CONTROLs intended exclusively for industrial processapplications unless explicitly mentioned in the relevant equipment standard.
1.1DV D2 Modification of the first paragraph of 1.1 of the part 2 by adding the following:
This part of lEC 60730 applies to automatic electrical pressure SENSING CONTROLS for use in,on or in association with, equipment.The equipment may use electricity, gas, oil, solid fuel,solar thermal energy, etc.or a combination thereof.
1.1.1 Replacement:
This standard applies to inherent safety,OPERATING VALUES,OPERATING SEQUENCEs where such areassociated with equipment protection, and to the testing of automatic electrical pressure SENSINGCONTROLs used in, on or in association with equipment.
This standard is also applicable to the functional safety of low complexity safety related pressure sENSINGCONTROLs and sYSTEMS.
This standard is also applicable to pressure sENSING CONTROLs for appliances within the scope of lEC60335-1.
See also Annex J.
1.1.2 Addition:
This standard applies to automatic ELECTRICAL
responsive to or controlling a pressure or vacuum. CONTROLs,mechanically or electrically operated,1.1.3 Not applicable.
1.1.4 Replacement:
This standard applies to MANUAL CONTROLS when such are electrically andor mechanically integral withpressure SENSING cONTROLS.
NOTE Requirements for manual switches not forming part of an AUTOMATIC CONTROL are contained in IEC 61058-
This standard applies to a.c. or d.c. powered pressure sENSING CONTROLs with a rated voltage notexceeding 690 v a.c. or 6o0 V d.c.
This standard does not take into account the RESPONSE VALUE of an AUTOMATIC ACTION of a pressureSENSING CONTROL,if such a RESPONSE VALUE is dependent upon the method of mounting it in theequipment. Where a RESPONSE vALUE is of significant purpose for the protection of the uSER,orsurroundings, the value defined in the appropriate equipment standard or as determined by themanufacturer shall apply.
This standard applies also to pressureSENSING CONTROLS
requirements for which are contained in Annex H.
This standard applies also to pressure SENSING CONTROLs using NTC or PTC THERMISTORS, requirementsfor which are contained in Annex J.