UL 79B:2015 free download

UL 79B:2015 free download

UL 79B:2015 free download Power-Operated Pumps for Diesel Fuel, Biodiesel Fuel, Diesel/Biodiesel Blends with Nominal Biodiesel Concentrations up to 20 Percent (B20), Kerosene, and Fuel Oil
1 Scope
1.1 These requirements cover products described in 1.2 when used with one or more of the fuelsdescribed in 1.3.
1.2 These requirements cover electrically-, hydraulically-, or pneumatically-driven power-operated pumpsfor use with petroleum products in the following applications:
a)Self-contained dispensing devices and submerged pumps used in storage tanks that providethe fuel to remote control dispensing devices.They are intended for operation at discharge
pressures of 50 pounds per square inch (psig)(345 kPa), or the marked maximum dischargepressure rating, when less, with the ambient and liquid temperature within the range of minus29c (minus 20°F) – 52c (125°F).
b)Dispensing systems to transfer the fuel from a tank or container to a vehicle or another container. They are intended for operation at the marked maximum discharge pressure, or less,with the ambient and liquid temperature within the range of minus 29C(minus 20F)-52°C(125°F).
c) Vapor recovery applications for dispensing devices. They are intended to operate under avacuum at the inlet and a maximum discharge pressure of 50 psig (345 kPa), or markeddischarge pressure, whichever is less.
1.3 Pumps covered by these requirements are intended for use with one or more of the following:
a) Diesel Fuel and diesel/biodiesel blends with nominal biodiesel concentrations up to 5 percent(BO – B5) formulated in accordance with the Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils, ASTMD975.
b) Diesel/biodiesel blends with nominal biodiesel concentrations from 5 percent up to 20
percent (B6 – B20) formulated in accordance with the Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oil,Biodiesel Blends(B6 – B20), ASTM D7467.
c) Biodiesel (B99.9/B100) formulated in accordance with the Standard Specification forBiodiesel Fuel Blend Stock(B100) for Middle Distillate Fuels,ASTM D6751.
d) Kerosene formulated in accordance with the Standard Specification for Kerosine,ANSUASTM D3699.
e) Fuel Oil (Heating Oil) formulated in accordance with the Standard Specification for FuelOils,ASTM D396.
1.4 Requirements for the installation and use of these products are included in the Flammable andCombustible Liquids Code,ANSI/NFPA 30; the Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair GaragesCode,ANSI/NFPA 30A; and the National Electrical Code,ANSI/NFPA 70.
1 .5 These requirements do not cover:
a) Oil burner pumps, which are evaluated under the Standard for Pumps for Oil-Burning Appliances, UL 343.
b) Pumps for engine-powered automotive equipment.
c) Pumps for marine use which are evaluated under the Standard for Mechanically and Electrically Operated Fuel Pumps for Marine Use, UL 1 1 30.
d) Pumps for use in chemical, petrochemical, or petroleum processing plants; utility power plants; petroleum production facilities; pipeline pump stations; pipeline or marine terminals; or bulk plant distribution and related facilities.