UL 9:2020 free download

UL 9:2020 free download

UL 9:2020 free download STANDARD FOR SAFETY Fire Tests of Window Assemblies
4.1 Construction and size
4.1.1 The design, construction, material, workmanship, and hardware of the test assembly is to be representative of the construction under evaluation. A record of materials and construction details adequate for identification is to be made.
4.1.2 The area of the test assembly is not to be less than 100 ft 2 (9.29 m 2 ) with neither dimension less than 9 ft (2.7 m).
4.1.3 If the conditions of use limit the construction to smaller dimensions, a proportionate reduction may be made in the dimensions of the test assembly for tests qualifying them for such restricted use.
4.2 Mounting
4.2.1 The test assembly is to be installed in the wall or partition construction in the manner in which it is to be used. It is to be mounted so that the latches and fasteners other than hinges will be on the unexposed side, and the mounting is not to prevent the free and easy operation of all operable components such as ventilators and sash.
4.2.2 The wall or partition is to be constructed of masonry or other materials representative of the wall or partition construction. Window frame wall anchors, when used, are to be suitable for the wall or partition constructed. 5 Conduct of Tests
5.1 General
5.1.1 The wall or partition is to have sufficient strength at the time of the test to retain the assembly securely in position throughout the fire and hose stream test.
5.2 Heat flux
5.2.1 The radiative heat flux transmitted through the test assembly is to be measured when requested by the test sponsor. The flux measurements are to be recorded at least once every minute.
5.2.2 The radiative heat flux is to be measured by an instrument capable of measuring radiant heat flow having a range of 0 to 50 kW/m 2 with an accuracy of ±5% of the maximum range. The response time of the instrument is to be such that the instrument is capable of recording 64% of the maximum range within 10 seconds. The view angle of the instrument is to be 180 ±5°.
5.2.3 The radiative heat flux is to be measured in a plane parallel, and at a distance of 39 ±3/8 in (1.0 ±0.01 m) from the unexposed surface of the test assembly.
5.3 Unexposed surface temperatures
5.3.1 The temperatures on the unexposed surface of the glazing materials are to be measured when requested by the test sponsor. The temperature measurements are to be recorded at least once every minute.
5.3.2 When measured, the temperatures are to be measured with thermocouples with a wire diameter of not more than 0.03 in (0.7 mm). Each thermocouple is to be brazed to the center of the face of a copper